The Eaglebrook Community Outreach Program

The Eaglebrook Community Outreach Program this year has expanded and already assisted many Franklin County families in need. There are currently 12 students involved in the program, which is the largest amount of students involved to date. Mrs. Ruth Koenigsbauer coordinates and oversees the program.

The first event the Community Outreach Program participated in was the Brown Bag Brigade on October 6th. The students involved prepared brown bag lunches for the Franklin County Community Meals Program. Ms. Bognolo, the school's Library Director, is on the Community Meals Program committee and connected the Eaglebrook outreach program. The outreach program prepared 116 meals that were delivered then delivered to the community meals program in Greenfield. For some, the brown bag meal that they received was their only meal of the day.  

The Brown Bag Brigade has not been the only activity the outreach group has been involved with this year.  A few Community Outreach members helped volunteer with the Deerfield soccer programs kindergarten team early in October. The Eaglebrook students coached and provided support for the head coach of the kindergarten team. Mrs. Koenigsbauer said that “the kindergarten players were very excited to have the Eaglebrook students coaching them”.

The Community Outreach Program has many events scheduled in the next few weeks and months. The Community Outreach Program partnered with the Eaglebrook Student Council and they will collect money on Friday, November 2 which will be donated to the Soules4Souls and will also go toward another Brown Bag Brigade mid-November. Other future events include the  Gingerbread Build with Habitat for Humanity which will take place on Saturday, December 1st. Another project in the works before 2019  is the Adopt-a-Family where Eaglebrook students would provide meals and gifts for Franklin County families in need during the holidays. The Eaglebrook Community Outreach Program gives our students a chance to feel connected and a chance help people and families in need.
271 Pine Nook Road   |   P. O. Box 7   |    Deerfield, MA 01342   |   413-774-7411