Giving to Eaglebrook

Hundreds of faithful alumni and parents have chosen to expand their support for the School through gifts that address their own personal and family needs, and the future needs of Eaglebrook. Become a member of Eaglebrook's Rock Society today. 

Planned Giving Information

We refer to this as “planned giving” because of the careful process that brings about mutual benefit.

Please note that Eaglebrook is not able to give you financial advice; consult your financial advisor for information for you.

Eaglebrook Planned Gift Information:
Legal Name: Allen-Chase Foundation dba Eaglebrook School
271 Pine Nook Road, Deerfield, MA 01342
Tax-exempt status – 501 (c)(3)
Tax identification number – 04-2108341

Gifts That Protect Your Assets

List of 3 items.

  • Charitable Bargain Sale

    How it Works
    You sell your residence or other property to Eaglebrook for a price below the appraised market value—a transaction that is part charitable gift and part sale. Eaglebrook may use the property but usually elects to sell it and use the proceeds of the sale for the gift purposes you specified.

    You receive an immediate income tax deduction for the discount you took from the appraised market value of your property. You pay no capital gains tax on the donated portion of the property. You can receive payment from us in a lump sum, or in fixed installments.

  • Charitable Lead Trust

    How it Works
    You contribute securities or other appreciating assets to a Charitable Lead Trust. The trust makes annual payments to Eaglebrook for a period of time. When the trust terminates, the remaining principal is paid to your heirs.

    Income payments to us for a term reduce the ultimate tax cost of transferring an asset to your heirs. The amount and term of the payments can be set so as to reduce or even eliminate transfer taxes due when the principal reverts to your heirs. All appreciation that takes place in the trust goes tax-free to the individuals named in your trust.

  • Retained Life Estate

    How it Works
    You transfer the title to your residence, farm, or vacation home to Eaglebrook School and live there for the rest of your life. Continue to live in the property for life or a specified term of years, and continue to be responsible for all taxes and upkeep. The property passes to Eaglebrook when your life estate ends.

    You can give us a significant asset but retain the security of using your property for the rest of your life. You receive an immediate income tax deduction for a portion of the appraised value of your property. You can terminate your life estate at any time and may receive an additional income tax deduction OR you and Eaglebrook may jointly decide to sell the property and prorate the sale proceeds.

Gifts Anyone Can Afford

List of 5 items.

  • Gifts from Will or Trust

    How it Works 
    Include a gift to Eaglebrook in your will or trust. Here is sample language for your will. Make your bequest unrestricted or direct it to a specific purpose. Indicate a specific amount or a percentage of the balance remaining in your estate or trust. 

    Your assets remain in your control during your lifetime. You can modify your gift to address changing circumstances. You can direct your gift to a particular purpose (be sure to check with us to make sure your gift can be used as intended). Under current tax law, there is no upper limit on the estate tax deduction for your charitable bequests
  • Gifts of Appreciated Securities

    How it Works
    You transfer appreciated stocks, bonds, or mutual fund shares you have owned for more than one year to Eaglebrook School. Eaglebrook sells your securities and uses the proceeds for our programs.

    You receive an immediate income tax deduction for the fair market value of the securities on the date of transfer (even if you originally paid much less for them). You pay no capital gains tax on the transfer when the stock is sold. Giving appreciated stock can be more beneficial than giving cash. The "cost" of your gift is often less than the deduction you gain by making it.

  • Gifts of Life Insurance

    How it Works
    You transfer ownership of a paid-up life insurance policy to Eaglebrook. Eaglebrook elects to cash in the policy now or hold it. Or name Eaglebrook as beneficiary on a policy using the following information: Legal Name: Allen-Chase Foundation dba Eaglebrook School 271 Pine Nook Road Deerfield, MA 01342 Tax-exempt status – 501 (c)(3) Tax identification number – 04-2108341 Head of School – Andrew C. Chase - Director of Advancement - Schuyler Bogel Eaglebrook Advancement Office Phone - 413-774-9182

    Make a gift using an asset that you and your family no longer need. Receive an income tax deduction equal to the cash surrender value of the policy. You may be able to use the cash value of your policy to fund a gift that delivers income, such as a deferred gift annuity.
  • Gifts of Real Estate

    How it Works
    You deed your home, vacation home, undeveloped property, or commercial building to Eaglebrook School. You may continue to use the property rent-free, and then ownership passes to us when you no longer need it. Eaglebrook may use the property or sell it and use the proceeds.

    You receive an income tax deduction for the fair market value of the real estate. You pay no capital gains tax on the transfer. You can direct the proceeds from your gift to a specific program at Eaglebrook.

  • Gifts of Retirement Plans

    How it Works
    Name Eaglebrook as a beneficiary of your IRA, 401(k), or other qualified retirement plan. Pass the balance of your retirement assets to Eaglebrook by contacting your plan administrator. Legal Name: Allen-Chase Foundation dba Eaglebrook School 271 Pine Nook Road Deerfield, MA 01342 Tax-exempt status – 501 (c)(3) Tax identification number – 04-2108341 Head of School – Andrew C. Chase Director of Advancement - Schuyler Bogel Eaglebrook Advancement Office Phone - 413-774-9182

    *Important! Tell Eaglebrook about your gift. Your plan administrator is not obligated to notify us. So if you don't tell us, we may not know.

    Continue to take regular lifetime withdrawals. Maintain flexibility to change beneficiaries if your family's needs change during your lifetime. Your heirs avoid the potential double taxation on the assets left in your retirement account.

    70 ½ or older? Make a “Tax-Free” Gift Through Your IRA

Gifts That Pay You Income

List of 5 items.

  • Charitable Gift Annuity

    How it Works
    You transfer cash or securities to Eaglebrook School. Our minimum gift requirement is $10,000. Eaglebrook pays you, yourself and a spouse, or any two beneficiaries you name, fixed payment for life. Beneficiaries are recommended to be at least 65 years of age at the time of the gift. The remaining balance passes to Eaglebrook when the contract ends.

    Receive dependable, cash-flow for life, regardless of fluctuations in the market. In many cases, receive payments at a rate higher than the interest you are currently receiving on investments. Receive an immediate income tax deduction for a portion of your gift. A portion of your annuity payment will be tax-free. Are you a younger donor? Consider a deferred gift annuity.

  • Deferred Gift Annuity

    How it Works
    You transfer cash or securities to Eaglebrook School. Beginning on a specified date in the future, Eaglebrook begins to pay you, or up to two annuitants you name, fixed annuity payments for life. Beneficiaries are recommended to be at least 65 to begin receiving payments and must be at least 40 to fund the gift. The remaining balance passes to Eaglebrook when the contract ends.

    Deferral of payments permits a higher annuity rate and generates a larger charitable deduction. You can schedule your annuity payments to begin when you need extra cash flow, such as retirement years. Payments are guaranteed and fixed, regardless of fluctuations in the market. The longer you elect to defer payments, the higher your payment will be.

  • Pooled Income Fund

    How it Works
    You transfer cash or securities to the Pooled Income Fund. Our suggested initial minimum gift requirement is $10,000. The fund issues you units, like a mutual fund, and pays you (or up to two income beneficiaries you name) the annual income attributable to your units for life. The principal attributed to your units passes to Eaglebrook School at the passing of the last income beneficiary.

    Receive income for life in return for your gift. Receive an immediate income tax deduction for a portion of your gift to the fund. Pay no capital gains tax on any appreciated assets you donate. Income can exceed dividends you were receiving on the securities you donated.

  • Charitable Remainder Unitrusts

    How it Works
    You transfer cash, securities, or other appreciated property into a trust. The principal can be invested in the Eaglebrook endowment. The trust pays a percentage of the value of its principal, which is valued annually, to you or beneficiaries you name. When the trust terminates, the remainder passes to Eaglebrook to be used as you have directed.

    Receive income for life or a term of years in return for your gift. Receive an immediate income tax deduction for a portion of your contribution. Pay no upfront capital gains tax on appreciated assets you donate. You can make additional gifts to the trust as your circumstances allow for additional income and tax benefits.

  • Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust

    How it Works
    You transfer cash, securities, or other appreciated property into a trust. The trust makes fixed annual payments to you or to beneficiaries you name. When the trust terminates, the remainder passes to Eaglebrook School to be used as you have directed.

    Receive income for life or a term of years in return for your gift. Receive an immediate income tax deduction for a portion of your contribution. Pay no upfront capital gains tax on appreciated assets you donate. Use the trust to meet needs that are tied to a specific time frame, such as college tuition payments.

John H. F. Enteman ’65

Through my years in the financial industry I’ve advised many individuals and families how to protect their assets through smart charitable estate planning. In the end, you can give your money to Uncle Sam, or make a gift of your own choosing. My plan allows me to support the people and charitable institutions that are the most important to me, and Eaglebrook School is among them.
271 Pine Nook Road   |   P. O. Box 7   |    Deerfield, MA 01342   |   413-774-7411