2022-2023 Ski Patrol Earn Their Jackets

Eaglebrook's Ski Patrol earned their official Ski Patrol Jackets Earlier this month. Each year, Eaglebrook’s student Ski Patrollers work for months to develop their skills and knowledge so that they can perform their roles at the Easton Ski Area. Student Patrollers are tested on various aspects of mountain management, first aid support, and skiing proficiency. Their progress is tracked with the goal of earning their patrol jackets, a symbol of their accomplishments and dedication, as well as their capability to render service on the slopes. This year’s Patrollers have taken a major step forward in their evolution as patrollers. 
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271 Pine Nook Road   |   P. O. Box 7   |    Deerfield, MA 01342   |   413-774-7411