Why would you send a sixth-grade boy to boarding school? Shouldn't a ninth-grade student start high school? What is a junior boarding school? Make an appointment to visit us today and learn why Eaglebrook, a boarding and day school for boys in middle school, might be the right place for your son.
Eaglebrook School was founded in 1922 by Howard Gibbs as a private boarding and day school for boys in middle school. Learn about our school in Deerfield, Massachusetts then and now, and read about the Core Skills we think every boy should know.
At Eaglebrook, we recognize that all students learn in different ways, vary in their innate abilities, and come from a variety of educational backgrounds. Classes at Eaglebrook are organized to meet the needs of each boy.
Eaglebrook is a close community of middle school students, teachers, and their families. Activities outside of the academic classroom are important to the intellectual, social, physical, and emotional development of boys in middle school. Learn about the programs we offer at Eaglebrook, from athletics to arts.
At Eaglebrook, boys learn more than they ever thought possible, discover inner resources, develop self-confidence, and have fun along the way. Delivering on our mission is only possible through the incredible generosity of alumni, parents, parents of alumni, and friends.”
Eaglebrook Robotics Team Reach New Heights at Xaverian Qualifier
Eaglebrook News Team
The Eaglebrook Eagles (Team #15943) made the finals at the Xaverian Qualifier in Westwood, MA, on Feb 22 as the fifth-seed alliance. They fought hard against the second-seed alliance before losing by a narrow 202–223 margin. It was the furthest that the Eagles have ever advanced in a qualifier in their five seasons of play. The impressive finish not only netted the Eagles their first-ever Finalist Alliance Award in team history but also capped a great season in which they overcame two weather-related match cancellations. With the season behind them, the Eagles will shift their focus on transferring the knowledge from the graduating Sixth Formers to the underformers who will have big shoes to fill next year.